Lowerlimb robotassisted therapy in rehabilitation of. Fuglmeyer assessment of sensorimotor recovery after. Quality of reflexes, coordination, and voluntary movements of the paretic leg were assessed using a 34point scale. F uglmeyer assessment lower extremity fmale scalelibrary. Upper limb movement kinematics can be accurately measured. Green berets ultralight bug out bag with gear recommendations duration. Approved by fuglmeyer ar 2010 1 updated 20150311 fuglmeyer assessment id. Evaluation of upperlimb feeding performance using the. The fma was designed by fugl meyer et al6 to provide a numeric score of motor status after stroke based on the sequential stages of motor recovery described by twitchell, 7 reynolds et al, 8 and brunnstrom 9 using measures such as limb synergy and range of motion. The lower extremity motor subscale of the fugl meyer assessment fmale was used to measure the level of lower extremity motor recovery poststroke. Quantifying motor impairment through the use of the fugl meyer assessment can assist therapists in live webinar. Deep fascia of the lower limb is well defined and forms a tough circumferential stocking like structure that contains the musculature. It is designed to assess motor functioning, balance, sensation and joint functioning in patients with poststroke hemiplegia12.
Are the hierarchical properties of the fuglmeyer assessment. This video shows how to complete the fuglmeyer assessment for both the upper and lower extremities. Pdf the fuglmeyer upper extremity scale researchgate. Septa pass from the deep surface of the facial sheath to the bone within, confining the functional muscle groups within osteofascial compartments tough fascia gives additional areas of attachment to the muscles and ensures that they work to. Psychometric properties of the lower extremity subscale of the fugl. The fma consists of five subscales that relate to various aspects of a patients upper and lower extremity, and the subscales are as follows.
Rehabilitation medicine, university of gothenburg approved by fugl meyer ar 2010 1 fugl meyer assessment id. The sensation domain includes light touch and position, and the score range is 0 to 24 points. These optimal cutoff scores may be able to identify upper limb feeding performance. A manual was produced with a standardised content, procedure and scoring for the fugl meyer assessment upper limb section part 2. Items to be scored are achilles and patellar reflexes. This study investigated the reliability of the scale when different therapists assessed the patients performance at the same test session and when the assessment was performed by the same. Maximal hip flexion abductionexternal rotation, maximal flexion in knee and ankle joint. The fugl meyer assessment of upper extremity fmaue is recommended for evaluation of sensorimotor impairment post stroke, but the itemlevel reliability of the scale is unknown. Researcharticle upperextremityfunctionalevaluationby fugl. Fuglmeyer assessment scale scoring item 0 1 2 lower extremity i. Fugl meyer ar, jaasko l, leyman i, olsson s, steglind s.
Fuglmeyer assessment evaluation of upper extremity. Reflex activity, supine position none can be elicited flexors. Their performance on each item was displayed on the. Each item is scored on a 3point ordinal scale 0, 1, or 2, with 0 generally corresponding to no function, 1 to partial function, and 2 to perfect function. Amongthe33items forueevaluation, wereselectedforkinect motion datarecording. Fuglmeyer assessment clinical neuroscience, university of. The fugl meyer lower extremity fmale consisted of 4 domains that comprised of lower extremity motor function lemf, sensation s, passive joint motion pjm, and joint pain jp retrieved from rehabilitation medicine, university of gothenburg, 2010 was used to evaluate lower extremity motor functions. Results kmean clustering analysis classified 42 stroke survivors in the high mobility function group. The fuglmeyer assessment fma is widely used to measure the extent of motor control of the upper and lower extremities post stroke. Bernspang, asplund, eriksson, and fugl meyer 1987 administered the fma to 109 patients within two weeks of having an acute stroke. A standardized approach to the fuglmeyer assessment and.
Cutoff score of the lowerextremity motor subscale of fuglmeyer. A standardized approach to the fuglmeyer assessment and its. It involves the measurement of both upper and lower extremities ue, le however, the scores for ue are weighted more. The hierarchy of item difficulty was then investigated with the same process as that used in a previous study of chronic stroke.
The fugl meyer lower extremity fmale consisted of 4 domains that comprised of lower extremity motor function lemf, sensation s, passive joint motion pjm, and joint pain jp retrieved from rehabilitation medicine, university of gothenburg, 2010 was used to evaluate lower extremity. The fuglmeyer assessment for the upper extremity fmaue and the. The minimal clinically important difference of fugl meyer assessment scale is 6 for lower limb in chronic stroke and 910 for upper limb in subacute stroke. Purpose the purpose of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the lower extremity subscale of the fugl meyer assessment lower extremity fmale for communitydwelling hemiplegic stroke patients. Reliability of the fuglmeyer assessment of sensorimotor. Reflex activity no reflex activity can be elicited.
The fugl meyer assessment fma is a quantitative measure that is widely used to assess motor recovery poststroke in hemiplegic patients. Fuglmeyer upper extremity assessment bilateral arm. The fugl meyer assessment fma of upper and lower extremity is the most used and recommended clinical scale for evaluation of sensorimotor impairment after stroke. Key method methods fifteen individuals with hemiparetic stroke, 17 trained physical therapists across 5 regional clinical sites, and an expert rater participated in an interrater reliability study of the fuglmeyer motor total, upper extremity, and lower extremity subscores and sensory total, light touch, and proprioception. There is no consensus concerning which standardized upper extremity motor scale is best suited for routinely assessing recovery of motor function in the upper extremity poststroke. Quantifying motor impairment through the use of the fugl meyer assessment can assist therapists in. This study establishes intratester reliability for all components of physical performance and intertester reliability for the total scores of upper and lower extremity motor performance in a cumulative numerical scoring system devised by fugl meyer et al. Upper vs lower extremity functional loss in neuromuscular disease. Fuglmeyer assessment of sensorimotor function after stroke. Psychometric properties of the lower extremity subscale of. Comparison of the action research arm test and the fugl. The fugl meyer assessment of physical performance fma is an example of one widely used scale. The spanish version of fma, validated in this study, is now first time available for use in research and clinical practice. The fma was designed by fugl meyer et al 6 to provide a numeric score of motor status after stroke based on the sequential stages of motor recovery described by twitchell, 7 reynolds et al, 8 and brunnstrom 9 using measures such as limb synergy and range of motion.
Establishing criterion validity for the functional upper. The 2 catfm item banks upper extremity and lower extremity include 37 items from the original fugl meyer scale. Reflex activity 1a and 1b subject is supine or sitting. Key method methods fifteen individuals with hemiparetic stroke, 17 trained physical therapists across 5 regional clinical sites, and an expert rater participated in an interrater reliability study of the fugl meyer motor total, upper extremity, and lower extremity subscores. Spread of raw scores across all stages and subsections of the upper extremity and lower extremity sections of the fugl meyer assessment scale. This assessment is a measure of upper extremity ue and lower extremity le motor and sensory impairment. Pdf determining levels of upper extremity movement. Paper open access the effects of comprehensive core body.
Areas of interest where fma fuglmeyer assessment is mostly used. Apta combined sections meeting 2008 incorporating valid and. Jul 01, 2014 spread of raw scores across all stages and subsections of the upper extremity and lower extremity sections of the fugl meyer assessment scale. These exams were performed on 12 patients of the cohort of 31 described under reliability testing above, 4 separate visits across a treatment period, for a. It is designed to assess five domains in patients with poststroke hemiplegia consisting of. The maximum possible score in fugl meyer scale is 226, which corresponds to full sensorymotor recovery. Approved by fugl meyer ar 2010 3 updated 20150311 total ad max 66 h. Motor functioning in the upper and lower extremities sensory functioning evaluates light touch on two surfaces of the arm and leg, and position sense for 8 joints balance contains 7 tests, 3 seated and 4 standing joint range of motion 8 joints joint pain. Fuglmeyer ar, jaasko l, leyman i, olsson s, steglind s. The fugl meyer assessment cutoff values to identify can use spoon and can use chopsticks were 5453 and 6261 points, with sensitivity and specificity of 86. The fugl meyer assessment fma is a strokespecific, performancebased impairment index. Translation and cultural validation of clinical observational. Fuglmeyer assessment upper and lower extremity components. The fuglmeyer assessment of upper extremity fmaue is one of the most used and recommended assessment scales of sensorimotor function in stroke.
This study aims to determine intra and interrater reliability of the fmaue at item, subscale and total score level in patients with early subacute stroke. Fugl meyer assessment items were considered to be consistent with the recovery pattern observed correlation between abnormal postural adjustments made by lower extremity le on balance platform and fugl meyer assessment le scores spearman rho 2 weeks, r. Implementation fugl meyer assessment of lower extremity method. The reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the catfm were determined by. Approved by fugl meyer ar 2010 1 updated 20150311 fugl meyer assessment id. Paper open access the effects of comprehensive core. The wolf motor function test wmft and fugl meyer assessment fma scales are the instruments most commonly mentioned in the literature. The items are summed to provide a final score, with maximum score no impairment of 66 points for the upper extremity and 34 points for the lower extremity. Test 6mwt, and fugl meyer assessment of lower extremity fmale. In the adult rehabilitation setting, occupational therapists are often responsible for addressing upper extremity dysfunction in the poststroke population.
Fugl meyer assessment for upper extremity scores were significantly correlated with movement time, spectral arc length, and peak velocity. Fugl meyer assessment of physical performance procedure description. Subjects the participants were 140 communitydwelling hemiplegic stroke patients. To measure ue hemiparesis, researchers have frequently administered the ue section of the fugl meyer assessment ue fm.
Reliability, concurrent validity, and responsiveness of. It is applied clinically and in research to determine disease severity, describe motor recovery, and to plan and assess treatment. Fuglmeyer assessment of motor recovery after stroke. A keyform map of poststroke upper limb recovery defined by items of the fugl meyer assessmentupper extremity fmaue was generated by a previously published rasch analysis. The fugl meyer assessment fma scale is a welldesigned, comprehensive, and efficient clinical examination method that has been widely used by therapists to. Fuglmeyer assessment scale item scoring 0 1 2 lower extremity i. Sensation, upper extremity dysesteyes closed, compared with the unaffected side anesthesia hypoesthesia or hesia normal light touch upper arm, forearm palmary surface of the hand 0 0 1 1 2 2 less than 34 correct or absence 34 correct or considerable difference correct 100%.
The ue portion assesses voluntary movement, reflex activity, grasp and coordination. Translating measurement findings into rehabilitation practice. Pdf on oct 1, 2016, barbara singer and others published the fuglmeyer. As the implementation of procedure, five respondents of stroke patients who had. The fugl meyer assessment of motor recovery after stroke. The fuglmeyer motor assessment fma, originally described by fugl meyer, jaasko, leyman, olson, and steglind 1975 as a system for the evaluation of motor function, balance, sensation qualities, and joint function, is now one of the most widely used clinical assessments of motor impairment and recovery such as that. Approved by fuglmeyer ar 2010 1 fuglmeyer assessment id. Measures recovery in poststroke hemiplegic patients fuglmeyer. A chair, bedside table, reflex hammer, cotton ball, pencil, small piece of cardboard or paper, small can, tennis ball, stop watch, and blindfold. Intertester reliability was found to be high for the total scores of upper and lower extremity motor performance. Fugl meyer assessment of the upper extremity fmaue was used to measure upper limb motor function excluding the 3 reflex items, yielding a maximum of 60.
Approved by fugl meyer ar 2010 1 fugl meyer assessment id. Fuglmeyer assessment of sensorimotor function wikipedia. Table 1 from fuglmeyer assessment of sensorimotor function. Establishing criterion validity for the functional upper extremity levels fuel in comparison to the fugl meyer to classify functional motor recovery in the acute stroke population american journal of occupational therapy, august 2019, vol. Fugl meyer assessment upper and lower extremity components author. Neurotransplantation for patients with subcortical motor stroke. After four weeks of robotassisted therapy, experimental results showed that the patients score and their activities of daily living improved a lot. The fuglmeyer upper extremity assessment fma is a strokespecific and performancebased impairment index. The fma lower extremity subscore was able to distinguish between patients who needed assistance in walking better than gait speed at speeds less than 0.
Intra and interrater reliability of fuglmeyer assessment. Translating measurement findings into rehabilitation. Bernspang, asplund, eriksson, and fugl meyer 1987 administered the fma to. Researcharticle upperextremityfunctionalevaluationby. Fifteen individuals with hemiparetic stroke, 17 trained physical therapists across 5 regional clinical sites, and an expert rater participated in an interrater reliability study of the fugl meyer motor total, upper extremity, and lower extremity subscores and sensory total, light touch, and proprioception subscores assessments. How is the fugl meyer assessment of sensorimotor recovery completed. One of the most widely recognized and clinically relevant measures of body function impairment after stroke is the fugl meyer fm assessment.
It is designed to assess motor functioning, balance, sensation and joint functioning in patients with poststroke hemiplegia. The fma motor assessments for the upper maximum score 66 points and lower extremity maximum score 34 points are recommended as core measures to be. Cutoff score of the lowerextremity motor subscale of fugl. Apta combined sections meeting 2008 incorporating valid. Three individuals with stroke enrolled in a separate research study were randomly selected from each of the three impairment strata of the fmaue.
Excellent correlations between wrist and hand upper extremity fugl meyer wh ue fm and the action research arm test across two trials. Fuglmeyer motor assessment for the lower extremities fmale. At the end of rehabilitation training, the patients conditions were assessed by nursing and training staff using the fugl meyer assessment score. Application of the fuglmeyer assessment fma and the. Methods fifteen individuals with hemiparetic stroke, 17 trained physical therapists across 5 regional clinical sites, and an expert rater participated in an interrater reliability study of the fugl meyer motor total, upper extremity, and lower extremity subscores and sensory total, light touch, and proprioception subscores assessments. Experimentaldesign subjects wereseatedcomfortablyin achair totestuefma. Fuglmeyer assessment of sensorimotor function after. Attempt to elicit the achilles and patellar reflexes.
615 449 180 131 578 24 390 1288 581 445 1540 767 745 157 932 1181 1379 219 402 269 1267 1041 1516 1477 237 950 852 1453 933 866 581 1372 114 244 1201 1158 792 586 1320